Welcome to My New and Improved Website
First of all, thank you for stopping by to check out my site and thank you to everyone who returns regularly for a visit. And if this is your first time here, welcome! I started my photography website a little over six years ago. It all began as my passion for photography grew and I wanted to share my photos and some of the stories of how they were captured with you. The goal of my website has always been to share with you images of some of the amazing things around us that are often overlooked or even taken for granted. My hope is that my images will help you to see things differently and maybe even provide a little bit of inspiration.
A sunset not far from home
After maintaining my photography website for the past few years and not making any significant changes, I thought it was time for some major updates. These updates will make navigating around the site easier; provide more interaction and help you to find what you are looking for; facilitate a means for you to connect and stay up-to-date on new things happening on my site; and just make the viewing experience more enjoyable. Please spend a few minutes exploring the site and see what you think.
Sunset at Grinter Farms, one of my favorite images from 2018.
New Layout
The first thing you will notice is that the layout of the site is different. Since this is a photography website, visual presentation is very important. I especially want my photos to stand out and fill the screen as much as possible. On the home page, which you can get to by clicking on my name in the upper left or Gallery menu option in the upper right, you’ll see three main portfolio categories: Landscapes, Nature, and The Night Sky. Although I shoot a large variety of things, most of what I do seems to fit within these categories. Clicking on any one of the categories will open a gallery of images that you can scroll through. Each gallery will usually contain 10 to 15 images, which represent what I feel are my very best images within that category. These will hopefully change periodically as I create more - and better - photos.
You will see a variety of photographs across my website, from my portfolio to my blog entries. Some of these images are captured during various photography trips I try to take every year, but many are captured close to home and even in my backyard. The point is that interesting photos can be found anywhere. Sure, I really enjoy traveling to new and exciting places, but don’t forget to look and really see what is around you every day.
There are three other main pages on the site, which you see in the navigation menu in the upper right. The About page will tell you a little about me, how my photography adventure got its start, and where it has taken me so far. The Blog is where you will find a variety of informative and instructional articles. Finally, the Contact page provides a way for you to contact me directly through the website and also gives you links to my email and social media accounts.
A panorama of the Milky Way over Monument Rocks in Kansas. Every image has a story.
The Blog
As previously noted, the blog is where I share a variety of stories about photography adventures, how particular photos were created, my favorite images of the year, and anything else I think might be interesting. To date (March 2020) I’ve published over 100 articles on my website. With that volume, I thought it would be nice to provide a way to find specific content you may be looking for. At the bottom of the main blog page and each blog post, there is a search bar that you can use. Type in the subject or a keyword you are interested in and any related article should pop up.
Note that I’m still working through all those articles to make sure they are keyworded in such a way that they will show up when searched. If you are not able to find an article about a particular topic, please shoot me a message and let me know. If there is an article about it, then I’ll find it. If not, then I’ll see what I can do about writing one for your subject. Check back frequently as I will be adding new content and also more instructional articles.
I had the privilege of having this image published on the cover of the Missouri Travel Guide in 2017.
Stay in Touch
At the bottom of every page is a place for you to sign up to be on my mailing list. After entering your email and clicking on Sign Up, you will receive a confirmation email to verify the email address and confirm that you are really the one signing up. After confirming this, your email address will go into a master list which I maintain, and will not be shared or distributed to others. This is solely a way for me to reach out to you and share what’s new on my website. You’ll receive updates about new article postings, new portfolio images, and other happenings around the site. Eventually my hope is to include photography workshops to the site as well.
That pretty much covers all the main updates for now. I have a few other ideas for the site that I’m not sure how to implement quite yet and there are sure to be minor tweaks as I go along. Maintaining a website and keeping the content fresh takes a lot of effort. I’ll try my best to update with articles and information often. If you happen to have any photography questions or ideas for articles, please feel free to reach out using my contact page or shoot me an email.