The Night Sky
Just because the sun goes down doesn't mean you have to put the camera away. If the skies are clear, there are still plenty of opportunities for making images...all you have to do is look up. The night sky offers ample opportunities to create some amazing photos. There are, of course, a few other things to consider in order to get the best images possible. The darker the skies - as in, little or no moonlight - the more stars you will be able to see. It is also a good idea to move as far away from artificial light as possible. Light pollution from urban areas, small towns, or even house lights in rural areas can really degrade or maybe even ruin an otherwise great image.
Cemetery Night
Check out my new image gallery of images here. This gallery is dedicated to images of the night sky and will include star trails, the Milky Way, and maybe even some light painting. There are plenty of techniques that I want to explore and will post more images to the gallery as they are created. Hope you enjoy, and as always, please don't hesitate to Contact Me with any questions or leave a comment below. Thanks for looking!